Debt Free College Prep 101

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Education Equalizer Foundation
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The Education Equalizer Debt Free College Preparedness 101 Workshop


raised by 0 people

The Education Equalizer Debt Free College Preparedness 101 Workshop

Here’s the problem: Underserved, particularly Black, Hispanic, and poor, as well as first-generation middle-high school students, need increased access to the networks, knowledge, and resources required for college and life.

Here’s our solution: The Education Equalizer College Preparedness Workshop helps students: 1) explore college with peers, 2) prepare for the academic rigors of college, 3) create competitive college applications, 4) complete the FAFSA, 5) obtain scholarship awards, 6) write personal statements, and 7) begin to earn community service hours and leadership skills which will enable them to enter the workforce. Let us work together to host an event for your students.

What we've done so far: We hosted our inaugural College Prep Workshop and helped a dozen rising seniors prepare for college. We forecast that our students will get accepted into college with scholarships. However, we learned that our students need more help. They require constant follow-up: deadline reminders and general assistance submitting their admissions and scholarship applications. Additionally, our students loved our program so much that they have referred other students to receive our services. Therefore, we need your help to host more College Prep 101 courses! Our aim is to help 36 students each year with college and career preparedness.

Cost: It costs us $7,360.00 to host each cohort of 10-15 students. This fee includes program preparation, workbooks, 1:1 hours with each student, food/drinks, panelists/volunteers/staff stipends, professional headshots for each student, and t-shirts.

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