Lakewood Neighborhood Alliance Inc

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$250,000 Goal

Did you know that 28208 & 28216 are the MOST Impoverished zip codes in Charlotte, NC? Shockingly, if you're born in a neighborhood of concentrated poverty, such as Lakeview, your chances of circumventing poverty are less than 5%! 

Let's make a difference together and change the narrative! Your donation can help create opportunities & increase economic mobility.

While Lakeview enjoys a strong sense of community many of our residents are vulnerable in that they do not have the resources to sustain the financial, physical and emotional impacts of living in concentrated poverty.  The vast majority of our families have no financial cushion to rely on during any period of time when they are not receiving a paycheck.  The immediate impact on the community is fear, which makes it hard for individuals to access and interpret information that is so critical to their health and safety.

With Lakeview being at serious risk of gentrification/force displacement, at a time when residents need to be working together and thinking critically about the changes they want to see happen in their community. A lack of trust and living everyday from a place of survival, keeps community members from engaging in a meaningful way. 

We're fully dedicated to raising $250K to activate a matching grant pledge from the Yates Fund, forming the cornerstone of our drive to renovate the future Economic Mobility Hub (EHub) & provide vital support to families in meeting their immediate needs.

All donations will go toward the development of the top priorities of the Lakeview 

Neighborhood Alliance's 3 Phase - Transformational Ecosystem Plan, which are:

3 Phase Plan (The Transformational Ecosystem):

  • Phase 1 (a) - Build/Sustain Capacity of Lakeview Neighborhood Alliance - Sustain the current and develop needed staffing positions, while continuing to build operational capacity in order for LNA to reach its full potential as a Community IMPACT Organization. (Individuals Making Progress And Change Together)

  • Phase 1 (b) - Economic Mobility Hub ("The Hub") - We have secured a long-term lease of the two vacant CMS school buildings in the Lakeview Community, and we are in the process of pursuing ownership of the two buildings, which will serve as the future home of the EHub for the community. It will house office/event space for small business, career readiness/vocational training, retail, small super market & bistro, and provide cultural enrichment and employment opportunities for local residents in the 20208 & 20216 zip codes.

  • Phase 2 - Affordable Living Plan - Acquire Property in the Lakeview Community to refurbish and create Permanently Affordable Single Family Houses, Multi-Family Houses, Accessory Dwelling Unit/Tiny homes. (Partners: Westside Community Land Trust, True Homes, & Urban Trends Properties.)

  • Phase 3 - Lakeview Community Center (New Build) -  will serve as the Resource/Advocacy, Health/Wellness, and Early Childhood Education center for Lakeview residents. (Satellite office for service providers which will provide wrap-around services for residents.)

Lakeviews Hierarchy of Needs 

  1. Lakeview Community - “Putting the Neighbor back in Neighborhood” 

  • Assisting residents with getting out of “Survival Mode” (Critical Needs).    Child & Family Stability    Prevention of Displacement

  1. Engage - Building trusting relationships with residents while creating a sense of belonging and love.

  • Community Quarterback (Community IMPACT Organization - Individuals Making Progress And Change Together)

  1. Educate - Providing opportunities and connections to resources to assist with achieving self-sufficiency. (Building Esteem

  • Economic Mobility

  1. Empower - Advocating for Lakeview’s growth, sustainability, and empowerment (Self & Neighborhood Actualization)

  • Civic Awareness

The collective community's vision, mission, & programming framework is 


Lakeview is a self-sufficient, self-determined, & self-governed neighborhood that others look to as an example of a diverse community with strong families.

(Note: The Collective Self)


Our mission is to Engage the residents of Lakeview, Educate them on opportunities and connect them to resources, while advocating for Lakeview’s growth & Empowerment.

(Note: Role of LNA is to Organize The Community)


Empower Change: Strengthen Families and Shape the Future by making a donation through our page today! Your Contribution is Safe, Swift, and Significant. Together, we thrive amidst challenges.

Explore other ways to contribute:

  • Spread the word! Connect potential supporters or collaborators in your network to us.

  • Join our community on social media: Follow our progress on Facebook and Instagram.

Engage with us: Reach out via email at for further discussions.

Your support means the world to us!

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Lakewood Neighborhood Alliance Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Economic Development
