Creating Opportunity to Reach Empowerment Inc

A nonprofit organization

51% complete

$9,000 Goal

Creating Opportunity to Reach Empowerment (CORE) is a movement to develop a strong and positive foundation for females ages 13 to 21.  Allowing females to understand and maintain a healthy level of self-worth through our digital media and our 501c3 nonprofit with on-campus development.

Check out our girls' SUPER POWER:

How does your donation help us???

1.  C.O.R.E Scholarship - Your donation will  assist with our annual scholarship that helps incoming or recurring college students. We all understand that education cost and all assistance is helpful. C.O.R.E awards $1000 each year to (2) students.  

2.  In-person Programs- Master Classes, Internships, and Wellness Events  - Our hearts are full of  gratitude to have offered various experiences over the last year.  With donor support, we will increase the number of programs offered across the country, specifically focusing on the New York City Metro area and Indianapolis, IN.  

Some of our recent programs include a Mindfulness Event in June, featuring a panel discussion with Mental Health Advocates and Board Members, as well as a  yoga session, coupled with deep breath techniques.  Additionally, we just completed a Summer Master Class  in Brooklynn, where we worked with six black and brown female mentors & business owners across STEM, Interior Design, Dance & Choreography, Architecture, and Creative Direction.  This educational opportunity exposed the girls to new industries, hands on projects, and deepened their understand  business formation and operations.  

Snap Shots of C.O.R.E Master Class Program:

Organization Data


Organization name

Creating Opportunity to Reach Empowerment Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture


925 Prospect Place 3E

Social Media